Difference of Benign Mesothelioma and Malignant mesothelioma
According to the cancer classification mesothelioma is a rare form of malignant lung cancer present due to the exposure of the Asbestos which may later cause the malignant changes of the pleura and the other body cavities. Most of the time, the prognosis of the disease is very bad. However, according to the early classification of lung tumors, there was a type of lung tumor called benign mesothelioma.
The benign mesothelioma or Fibroma of the pleura is a condition which may mimic the malignant mesothelioma of the pleura. As name indicates, it is benign and will not cause any tissue destruction or spreading to the adjacent lung parenchymal tissue or any other thoracic organ or structure.
Asbestos exposure and the mesothelioma
According to the history of mesothelioma, there were large numbers of workers who got the malignant mesothelioma due to the Asbestos exposure during the working period. Although this is not always happen large percentage of workers of US has got the problem. Chronic exposure may cause the problem to occur even after 20- 25 years of exposure. Therefore doctors have seen a significant association between to malignant mesothelioma and the Asbestos exposure.However, according to the current knowledge about benign mesothelioma of the lung it is not a very significant and life threatening condition. Also it has not been shown any relationship with the Asbestos exposure. In addition to that, there is no any associated factor has found so far.
Physical symptoms of mesothelioma
As the fibroma of the lung may not cause the life threatening symptoms, it is often missed. However, they are seen in the chest X ray as an incidental finding. In addition to the X ray findings, there may be similar physical symptoms to the Malignant mesothelioma as they cause the pressure on the pleural cavity.There may be symptoms like chest pain, tightness, palpitation. But you would not get symptoms like bleeding with the cough, voice changes like features present in malignant form.
Radiological features of the Mesothelioma
The X ray features of benign mesothelioma are very important to differentiate it from the malignant mesothelioma. Most of the time as it will not show malignant changes, the margins are sharp and well define. It will not erode the adjacent lung. Therefore, the metastatic foci are not seen.Prognosis and the management of Mesothelioma
The benign mesothelioma is well responded to the treatment. As it is not extending to the adjacent tissue structures, it can be removed easily.However, there is a very small preposition of fibroma can differentiated into the malignant ones.